سياسة الخصوصية

توضح سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بموقع المطابخ الإيطالية كيفية جمع موقع المطابخ الإيطالية للمعلومات واستخدامها والكشف عن أي معلومات يتم جمعها عند استخدام هذا الموقع.

جمع المعلومات

ما المعلومات التي يتم جمعها في الموقع؟

المعلومات الشخصية كالاسم

- معلومات الاتصال كعنوان البريد الإلكتروني بما في ذلك المعلومات الديموغرافية، ومنها الرمز البريدي والبضائع المفضلة والاهتمامات.

أو معلومات أخرى ذات صلة بما في لك استبيانات العملاء أو العروض.

استخدام المعلومات

يستخدم الموقع المعلومات التي يتم جمعها لأغراض مختلفة، بما في ذلك:

تقديم أفضل خدمة من خلال فهم احتياجات العميل لتقديم أفضل خدمة 

ونمر على مراحل:

حفظ السجلات الداخلية لإرسال رسائل بريد إلكتروني ترويجية

ولك لأغراض البحث التسويقي

و لضمان أفضل تجربة للاستخدام نقوم بتعديل الموقع باستمرار وفقًا لاهتماماتك

حماية المعلومات

يلتزم موقع المطابخ الإيطالية بحماية معلوماتك الشخصية. 

لقد طبقنا إجراءات أمنية مناسبة لحماية المعلومات التي يتم جمعها على موقعنا.

ملفات تعريف الارتباط

قد يستخدم موقع المطابخ الإيطالية ملفات تعريف الارتباط، وهي ملفات صغيرة يتم تخزينها على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك. تساعد ملفات تعريف الإرتباط موقع  المطابخ الإيطالية على تحسين تجربة المستخدم.

إخلاء مسؤولية

قد تتغير سياسة الخصوصية هذه من وقت لآخر. 

يجب عليك التحقق من هذه الصفحة من وقت لآخر للتأكد من أنك على دراية بأي تغييرات.


إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة حول سياسة الخصوصية هذه، فلا تتردد في الاتصال بنا.

ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "price": "" // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToWishlist', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "" // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". }); ttq.track('AddPaymentInfo', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToCart', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('InitiateCheckout', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('PlaceAnOrder', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompleteRegistration', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompletePayment', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); // add this before event code to all pages where PII data postback is expected and appropriate ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "quantity": "", // number. The number of items. Example: 4. "price": "", // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('AddToWishlist', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "" // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". }); ttq.track('AddPaymentInfo', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Download', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToCart', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('SubmitForm', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('InitiateCheckout', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('ClickButton', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('PlaceAnOrder', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompleteRegistration', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Contact', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('CompletePayment', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Subscribe', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('event1', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); // add this before event code to all pages where PII data postback is expected and appropriate ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [cit] { "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "price": "" // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('AddToCart', {}); ttq.track('Contact', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToWishlist', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Download', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddPaymentInfo', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('InitiateCheckout', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompleteRegistration', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "" // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". }); ttq.track('SubmitForm', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('PlaceAnOrder', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('ClickButton', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Subscribe', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompletePayment', {});