متخصصون في تصميم جميع أنواع المطابخ بتصميمات راقية وجودة عالمية..

رحلة استمرت لـ 20 عامًا

بأيادي سعودية وجودة إيطالية

أسُست المطابخ الإيطالية منذ أكثر من 20 عامًا على أرضها المملكة العربية السعودية.


منذ ذلك الحين، قادت الرحلة مهمة إنتاج المطبخ الإيطالي، واستكشاف كل إمكانيات الخشب لخلق الراحة لكل أفراد الأسرة.


خلال سنوات نطمح أن تكون المطابخ الإيطالية جزء من كل بيت عربي.


إنشاء منتج بجودة عالية وسعر ممتاز.

أكثر من مجرد قطعة لمنزلك

مطبخك.. حيث تجتمع العائلة وتنشأ بينها ذكريات دافئة

مساحة من الإبداع تنسجم مع الذكريات والتجمعات العائلية.

حيث تجتمع مجموعة الأخشاب الجيدة مع قطع المطبخ الأساسية في مساحة دافئة.

مقاسات رُسمت خصيصًا لك

لتلبية جميع احتياجاتك، يقوم مهندسينا بأخذ المقاسات من المنزل وتصميم وحدات خاصة تناسب مساحتك بشكل مثالي بتصميمات متنوعة بالإضافة إلى كماليات واكسسوارات المطبخ.

أخشاب تصنع الجودة​

الجودة هي الاختيار الأول، ومع الدقة في اختيار نوع الأخشاب المستخدمة في تصنيع المطابخ اكتسبنا ثقة عملائنا عبر الـ 20 عامًا.

اختيارك الوفي

مع الجودة نقدم لك تصميمات مطابخ متنوعة بجميع الخيارات السعرية اللي تناسبك، ستمتلك تصميم مطبخ يحبه قلبك و الأقرب لشخصيتك بأفضل الأسعار.

لا تقلق، لدينا خدمة ما بعد البيع لتقديم كافة خدمات التركيب والإصلاح.

لديك أي استفسار، لا تتردد أن تراسلنا.

ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "price": "" // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToWishlist', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "" // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". }); ttq.track('AddPaymentInfo', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToCart', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('InitiateCheckout', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('PlaceAnOrder', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompleteRegistration', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompletePayment', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); // add this before event code to all pages where PII data postback is expected and appropriate ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "quantity": "", // number. The number of items. Example: 4. "price": "", // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('AddToWishlist', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "" // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". }); ttq.track('AddPaymentInfo', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Download', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToCart', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('SubmitForm', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('InitiateCheckout', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('ClickButton', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('PlaceAnOrder', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompleteRegistration', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Contact', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "content_category": "", // string. The category of the page or product. Example: "apparel". "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "", // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". "description": "", // string. Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('CompletePayment', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Subscribe', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('event1', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "brand": "" // string. The brand name of the page or product. Example: "Nike". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); // add this before event code to all pages where PII data postback is expected and appropriate ttq.identify({ "email": "", // string. The email of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "phone_number": "", // string. The phone number of the customer if available. It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. "external_id": "" // string. Any unique identifier, such as loyalty membership IDs, user IDs, and external cookie IDs.It must be hashed with SHA-256 on the client side. }); ttq.track('ViewContent', { "contents": [cit] { "content_name": "", // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". "price": "" // number. The price of a single item. Example: 25. } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "status": "" // string. The status of an order, item, or service. Example: "submitted". }); ttq.track('AddToCart', {}); ttq.track('Contact', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddToWishlist', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Download', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('AddPaymentInfo', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('InitiateCheckout', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompleteRegistration', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Search', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "", // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". "query": "" // string. The word or phrase used to search. Example: "SAVE10COUPON". }); ttq.track('SubmitForm', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('PlaceAnOrder', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('ClickButton', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('Subscribe', { "contents": [ { "content_id": "", // string. ID of the product. Example: "1077218". "content_type": "", // string. Either product or product_group. "content_name": "" // string. The name of the page or product. Example: "shirt". } ], "value": "", // number. Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. "currency": "" // string. The 4217 currency code. Example: "USD". }); ttq.track('CompletePayment', {});